Friday, February 19, 2010

storm in a teacup

from now on, my thoughts cost a dollar.
there is nothing you can tell me that i don't already know.
there is nothing you can tell me that i do already know.
every moment is a new moment it is your moment you are just letting me borrow it.

do i dream of you, sweet and occupied, making daisy chains, and reading the tarot
of my heart so blindly yet righteously and do i dare kiss you ever so lightly
in the lace veil between dreams and waking?
i do believe that to this i could become addicted... you do not even know who i am.

to those of you who tell me i do not belong me, oh, how right you are.
for i belong in a place among mermaids and pirates and winged creatures,
who fly into the sunsets and oceans alike, bathing in crimson, violet, gold and blue.
i am just like you. i am nothing like you at all.

i am light. lust. green tea. prisms of every color you could ever imagine. cool.
calm. collected. vengeful. ugly. made of dust. made of glitter. made of golden
rays. nothing you could say could take me away from the things i alone believe
think feel want need care about ask for hunt for take steal beg borrow and love.