Thursday, February 25, 2010

Everything Is Illuminated

"You are the only person who has ever understood even a whisper of me, and i will tell you that i am the only person who has understood even a whisper of you."

Everything is Illuminated, page 218, Jonathan Safran Foer.

this book is incredible.. i can't believe he was only 25 when it was published... i can only hope to be so lucky at 25.. i definitely recommend this book to both "serious" readers as well as people who "only read books worth reading" as in people who only read popular books. it's such a heartbreaking story, so beautiful... i heard that the movie was good in its own way but i do believe one should read the book!!

jonathan safran foever (this isn't an autobiography, but the main character is named after the author) travels to the ukraine to find out about the woman who saved his grandfather from the nazis. this story is told in two voices, Jonathan's, and Alex's, his guide through the Ukraine.  the first few pages were rough, it is hard to get used to Alex's version of the english language, but once you do, it's wonderful. i think anyone 16 and up can appreciate this novel.


Anonymous said...

I read Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by JSF. sobbed my heart out. have you read that book? if so, which do you think is better?

mermaidqueen said...

I haven't read that one yet!! it's the next book i'm going to grab at the library, as soon as i finish it, i'll let you know!! but i definitely recommend Everything is Illuminated!