Thursday, February 18, 2010

new york, i love you, but...

i've been spending the morning looking at colleges, on i feel like a high school senior again!! after this semester, i have 2 semesters left until i get my associates (yes, i know i'm behind. i know people who are even farther behind). so i decided to be "responsible" and use my computer time to look at some colleges... in new york, and in california.

i put in my criteria (school must accept credits from 2 year school, school must be in a suburban/urban area NOT RURAL, must be public, have a good english/creative writing program, must have a literary magazine, etc) and then it gave me 29 results. 28 if you don't count cortland, which i don't. cortland is where brain cells go to die. also, for the new york schools, i am only looking at schools in the city, near publishing houses and museums. where when it snows, the streets get cleared up and people walk really fast. none of that upstate crap. i love visiting upstate but i'm not sure i should live there. any way i now have to request information from all of these colleges, and get cracking on practicing admissions essays, perfecting my GPA, joining some clubs, etcetera.

i also have to make sure these schools support studying abroad, but i don't see why one wouldn't. all my friends at 4 year schools, please bear with me while i laugh and cry about how annoying it is applying to colleges all over, etc. and please also don't try to convince me to go to your school. i love you all but i need to do my own thang.

i've also been attempting to fill out some job applications. as usual. i pray someone fucking decides to hire me soon or else i will be living in a cardboard box, not attending any college at this rate.

advice? thoughts? comments?