Thursday, February 4, 2010

green jello is delicious.

this week i:

realized most songs i like are sad in some form
found out my teacher is certifiably insane
forgot to read for basically the whole week
tried to write a poem [it was a huge fail]
had an amazing time at the cheesecake factory and witches brew and book store and mall. [don't ask my         what kind of cheesecake i got. i dont like cheesecake.]
made new friends
and gave a big loan to the girl zone.

school is over for the week and i'm exhausted. the worst part is i have a full weekend of stuff ahead of me [some very fun stuff, but a lot of homework and laundry and stupid shit like that]. i really should try to write, too. and make some decisions. i have a full plate right now, i guess i should start metaphorically eating. i know everyone says this, but i truly wish there were more hours in a day. so i could get enough sleep and still do all i need to do. i feel like my to-do list is never ending. i have to schedule fun like a chore. 
sleep itself, it doesn't even feel so precious. even on the rare occasion that i fall asleep right away, i don't stay asleep. i wake up every morning feeling like shit. i try to eat healthier, and i'm definitely happier than i've been in the past, but lack of sleep really is getting to me. i toss, i turn, i talk, i jerk, and way more. i think there are natural sleep aids i can take. i'm going to research this. i know i could ask my psychologist for something but i wouldn't want to take certain things unless i NEEDED them. it looks like it might be that way.
i need to start honing my craft and also i'd like to paint more. and i need to finish putting my list of goals onto posterboard! that way they're bright and shiny and in my face. i can't ignore them if they're in my face. 

before i go, please, everyone tell me music recommendations. i need some new tunes.