Wednesday, June 9, 2010

update on my life

hey :)

a while back, i wrote a story called "The Tree on Crescent Street." currently, that short story is entered in a writing contest in which the winners get to have their stories read by author Melissa Marr who will then i guess give us pointers on the story? anyway i'm really excited about it, and even if i don't win, at least people read my story!! you can vote here:


you can either read it there, or you can read it on this blog under the tag "short stories." 
even if you don't have time to read it, i'd appreciate if you could just click "vote" at the top. it takes less than a second to do so. thank you so much, for voting, or for reading it, or for even reading this blog. it means the the world to me as an aspiring writer. i have so many new poems and stories up my sleeve. there is my dream catcher story, about dream catchers and the consequences of not being that nice to others; i have about 10 pages so far that are completely done, and i have an outline for the rest of the story. i myself am excited to keep going with it, its a very interesting story. i also have another story that i plan to write called "El Dia de los Muertos," about love, and if it really does last forever, and is the memory of someone better than who they really were? i'm still researching for that one :)
basically i like to write about mystical things, things that intrigue me, the kinds of things i would want to READ. if i had to pick an author i was similar to, i'd say Francesca Lia Block. but she is so amazing and writes the most wonderful things, i don't think i even come close to her. just that we both are into similar elements. my other inspirations right now are paulo coehlo, and of course melissa marr. i would love to write a short story about fairies, and potions, but nothing has come to me yet. 
i'm trying to get the motivation to keep writing. it's hard, because i know the stories already. they are in my head, waiting to be told. its just that i have to get them down on paper and not get bored of myself. it helps, though, to see my friends, and write down my ideas, and do lots of things that ARENT writing, because when you are living in real life, you are gathering ideas for life on the page. i've never been the type of person who sits down and says "i am going to write a poem/story/song/etc right now" and then is able to write. i have to wait for it to come to me. i am so surprised DC is 10+ pages already. i never expected it to even be that much when i started writing it. but it's taken on a life of its own and i'm glad. i cant wait to finish it, maybe it will be up to 15/20 pages. and of course in between reading, writing, researching, walking, working, seeing my friends, lunching, movie watching, etc, i will be here blogging all the time. in case anyone was wondering. i hear crickets.

lastly i want to say thank you to my friend alessia who, if i didnt meet her in poetry class, i just might have died without this past semester. thank you for the endless car rides, sharing a love for lindsay lohan, and always encouraging me to keep going with my writing. also you are a kickass writer and i hope one day we can go on book tours together and i hope we will always be friends.<3