Sunday, June 13, 2010

have a good week, kind sirs and madames.

i accidentally over-scheduled myself this week.
monday- city with russell and haillie, then bed early because
tuesday- up at 7, work 8:30-4 pm then nap then jamie's house to see jamie and val
wednesday- sister's 8th grade graduation and work 5 to close
thursday- plans with friendss
friday- hopefully seeing emily
saturday- work 4-11:30 [or 12]
andddd hopefully tuesday i'll find out my schedule for next week.
also this week is my unhappy time of the month.
and no, i dont think thats oversharing. its 2010 dont be squeamish.

so this week means:
i will be grouchy.
very tired& hungry all the time.
not catching up on skins or any tv shows
not reading much at all
not blogging at all
taking lots of pictures [i better!!!]
spending too much money [i am trying to save, damnit!]
and idk what else.

hopefully next week i can relax.
then again, lets make plans! its summer babyyy.

follow me on twitter.


chantelle said...

aww, yes take lots of pictures :) don't get too grumpy! i hope everything goes well ♥ thanks for following! i've followed back, your blog is fantastic!