Saturday, June 12, 2010

Inside the Mind of Gideon Rayburn

a few years ago while i was on a book shopping spree [sidenote: i did of course go to the library but i also thought it was a wonderful idea to spend all of my money on books like there was no way i'd ever run out of money. i have nothing left over from my first job. nothing to show for that money but books. now, the library is my best friend. my bank account will thank me later.] i picked up Inside the Mind of Gideon Rayburn, by Sarah Miller. why? because it looked fascinating. because YA can be smart and sexy. because the cover was pretty.
but it turned out to be an amazing book. there was this girl, and she was actually INSIDE the mind of a boy that she [at first] didn't even know. she saw what he saw, felt what he felt, and knew what he was thinking. and the best part was, the reader didn't know which girl was inside his mind! was it molly? pilar benitez-jones? someone else?
before the ending [but not too much before] i figured out that it was molly. and i was correct.

so a few weeks ago when i was perusing borders to see whats new, i happen upon this book called The Other Girl. and guess what? it was a sequel to ITMOGR. so i requested it from the library. and thank goodness i didn't buy it. sarah miller, what happened? Molly was no longer interesting. she was whiny and stupid. at first, she was slightly identifiable to me, but after a few chapters [which i struggled to get through, hoping it would get better], i hated her. and pilar, i just lusted after her the whole time. and i should have invented a drinking game for every time you mentioned "pot." you just made me want to smoke some, instead of reading this book. unfortunately this was the only book i had with me when i babysat last night from 9pm until 2 am. i needed something to do to keep me awake while the kids were sleeping, and i wasnt able to get onto their internet.

it was not the worst book i've ever read, but it definitely gets a consolation prize. sarah miller, if you do write another sequel, i will check it out. but i hope its akin to the first book.

the books i will be reading this week:
-a memory, a monologue, a rant, and a prayer [edited by eve ensler]
-green chic [christie matheson]
-the glass castle [jeanette walls]

if anyone has any suggestions of books to add to my huge TBR pile [or if you read The Other Girl and want to say your opinion on it, Sarah Miller, or ITMOGR], feel free to tell me in the comments.


chelsea rebecca said...

oh goodness i hate when that happens!!! you just expect the sequel to be as good as the first!!
the glass castle is so awesome! have you read water for elephants!? i couldn't put it down!