Wednesday, June 30, 2010

tonight was a bad night, and my plans got ruined... and i have a bad headache... and i'm all alone and i hate being alone in my house.

SO. i'm going to talk about what's been good lately to cheer me up :)

-i finally got weeds season 5 from the library
-i started "the girl with the dragon tattoo" for my book club
-i've been getting decent hours at work
-i made delicious brownies and had a nice night in with my sweetheart last night
- i added a lot more to my dream catcher story, have more ideas, and read a writer's guide that didn't make me want to gag
-i signed up for "weheartit" so that i could finally keep track of all the pictures i like

there's probably way more but i'm exhausted and need to take some melatonin and go to sleep.
have a great evening!

ps go check out


chelsea rebecca said...

oh my goodness I LOVE WEEDS! season 5 is pretty crazy though!!! i just found out you can rent tv on dvd from the library and i am so super excited!!!!