Wednesday, June 23, 2010

summer goals 2010

ok for reals... here are some summer goals that i really want to accomplish:

-take 50 pictures [this is hard for me because when i have my camera, i forget to use it... and usually i forget it in the first place
-save at least $700 more than i already have
-spend more time outside
-do more yoga
-lose 5 pounds, [of fat, gain muscle :)]
-journal more [havent truly journaled since april!]
-make some collages
-read a book a week [easy shmeazy lemon peazy]
-do fun things with my brothers, who are 8&9 like: bake, tie-dye, explore
-catch up on true blood, arrested development, skins, and weeds [at least 2/4!]
-complete second draft of dream catcher, and either start third OR start next story.. at least the outline, main ideas.

and in prep for the fall:
-go to academic advisor and make sure everything is in order for my associates
-find more concerts to go to [lights? gaga? evanescence? etc]
-buy fall/winter clothes

more to come... what are your summer goals?? i'd love to know.