Sunday, November 29, 2009

spiderman and cheese

today was stupid. not even stupid. stoopid. i woke up. stayed in bed late to avoid my family as per usual. ate some golden grahams. made a pact with myself to only eat fruit until dinner. forgot about pact right away.

then i showered and cleaned my room and got ready for school tomorrow. wanted to go to the library, wished SCRUBS was there, but its sunday and they dont get anything in on weekends. blehh. so i did nothing. i stared at my computer. raked leaves. got depressed.

i feel like i have a fever. inside and out. i wish i was disciplined, wish i was a real writer, wish i had a group of people to read and write with. i'm always bored and broke. i submitted some poems to a greeting card company.

my sister is sining rent songs in the next room. i wish my room was soundproof. i wish my life wasn't retarded.

i just "commanded" my phone to kill me. command not recognized.

new gossip girl, 90210 and degrassi this week. tis all