Friday, November 13, 2009

johnny, my love.

1. what is your ultimate dream job?
artist [that includes writing of all kinds and painting and all things artistic :) ]
and mommy.

2. what is your favorite thing about yourself?
i used to spend so much time thinking about how much i hate myself
that i never realized how many things i love about myself.
i'll list two:
i think i am a pretty decent person and i have a LOT of love in my heart.
i also have an ambition and thirst for knowledge that i don't believe will ever go away.

3. what could you not live without?
the feeling i get when i sing for myself,
the feeling i get when i read an amazing book,
the feeling i get when i accomplish something brilliant.

4. what is something you do every day?
fall in love with something new

5. what is your most cherished possession?
that is really tough because quite honestly
the "things" i cherish most in life
are the people in my life.
but if i had to pick something i cherish that is a thing...

can i come back to this one, like never? i'm drawing a complete blank.

6. name one of your favorite songs of all time:
johnny sunshine by liz phair

7. what are you afraid of?
never getting to go to paris

8. what is one of your proudest accomplishments?
getting published

9. what is something you'd like to learn?
how to play an instrument

10. and finally, tell me something random:
i think a letter in the mail is one of the best things anyone could receive.

... your turn!