Sunday, November 29, 2009

hatin' on long island... the usual.

i know people who came from other countries to live here. they left their jobs, and security to come to long island. my parents, and so many other people's parents left queens... such an amazing place... to come here. because apparently, it's BETTER. apparently its NICE. there is one thing i can think of off of the top of my head that is nice here. changing of the seasons. but it's NICER upstate. and it's COOLER in manhattan. long island? come on, people.

the people who live here are dingbats. they don;t read or write or aspire to live anywhere but levittown when they "grow up." they don't dream of visiting exotic places or moving away to somewhere like paris or italy. the libraries suck, they don't have half the books i'd like to look at, because people on long island DON'T READ and are NOT interested in writing, or zine culture, or whatever. and those who are aren't serious about it.
don't get me wrong. i've met some great people here. but i wish this place would just fall into the long island sound and that we can all pretend it never existed. we're not even a fucking island. we're a peninsula. we have yummy bagels and chinese food but we can get equal or better in manhattan or queens!
what're we waiting for? lets all move