Monday, January 11, 2010

FOUND on "the frisky"

please read :::: oh my god

i can't believe this. is washington serious? i am not for prostitution. BUT i'd rather that since there is going to be prostitution regardless, the prostitutes be safe about sex. meaning that they use condoms. and if DC is going to start searching, then they will be less likely to carry enough condoms for the night. meaning less safe sex. meaning more stds. i am not one of those "the-gov't-is-out-to-get-us" people, BUT why the hell are they trying to get into people's sex lives? i know prostitution is illegal, but now NON PROSTITUTES ARE AT RISK. so if i am in the DC area, carrying 3+ condoms, i can get into trouble. and i'm NOT doing anything against the law. so this makes me less likely to carry condoms, and if i need them, i wont have them. and if i have sex without one i can get pregnant/an std. all because the government feels they can control my sex life.

i'm tired of the rights of my vagina being played around with. abortion, pro choice vs pro life. now these prostitution laws that affect non-prostitutes. i really don't even know what to say anymore.