Wednesday, December 23, 2009


2010 is so soon... its just about a week away, and i am so excited to be done with 2009 for good. 2009 was a wild year. i left cortland for good, i started over in a new school, i broke up with my boyfriend and was with someone else, things didn't work out, i got back with the boyfriend which is for the best, my parents got divorced and my dad moved out, i lost my job and couldn't find a new one. i got to see my grandma a LOT, and went to a few concerts i wouldn't have went to if i had a job, i learned that family and friends are so important... i could go on and on and on. but 2010 is going to be 20x better than 2009. it has to be... here are some of my goals for 2010:

1)find a job, preferably one that i like, and save my money... i'm going to be 20 years old, my "future" is so close and i need to be prepared to start a life on my own without my parents.

2) continue to be there for my family, watching my siblings, spending time at home with both parents, still visit my grandma all the time.

3)see some friends i rarely see, more often. and make a few new ones.

4)exercise more. not only to lose weight, but to feel good about my body, and to be healthy and emotionally stable. i know that when i do exercise, my day is a lot better because i am awake and it just makes me feel great.

5)eat healthier. i LOVE healthy food but i always go for the snacks. i need to moderate what i eat and eat more fruits and veggies and low-cal snacks.

6)write, every day. whether it's a post on here, an addition to a short story/long story, a poem, a journal entry, a school assignment... i need to buckle down and make sure i write some sort of thought down every day. i pretty much do that already but i'd like to continue.

7)Create, every week. whether its a painting, drawing, doodle, collage, etc., i want to create art for myself to hold onto for the rest of my life

8) treat others like i'd like to be treated. with the exception of one (large) incident, i generally treated people with respect and cared for people in 2009. i want to continue to do that in 2010 and for the rest of my life. HOWEVER, this does not mean i will be walked all over like i was in Cortland. i didn't respect them, i DISrespected myself. very sad.

9)believe in myself. i can do it. i'm worth it. i'm not below anyone else. i am just as creative and smart as other people, i have my own talents. i know i will still doubt myself in 2010 but i want to think of myself in a higher respect. i deserve it.

10)read. a lot. i already do this, but i definitely need to continue. in 2010 i will be keeping a "2010" shelf on goodreads where i will put all of the books i read that year. i hope the number doesn't disappoint me.

11) do well in school. A's and B's, please. go every day that i have class. save up my alloted absences, so i can stay home when i really need it. continue to walk to the bus, and then onto campus. the walks wake me up better than a cup of coffee.

12) love. with all my heart. take care of danny, but still take care of myself. love my parents even though they are flawed. they love me. help them out. even though she doesn't always show it, my mom needs a lot of help. i need to continue to be there for her. i will also continue to help my dad, my siblings, my boyfriend, my grandmother, christina, anyone who needs help.

13) forgive, forget, move on. the past is officially the past. things danny did in 2007 or whatever so and so did last year... these things don't matter. what matters is NOW.

i guess 13 is enough for now, these are just my short term goals. i'll do a post someday soon on my "bigger" goals. happy holidays <3