Tuesday, October 27, 2009

thoughts for the day

I. it's weird to think that "i" (my generation) am the future. that its up to me to change the world and make it a better place for myself and future generations. the possibilities are endless, what would i do if i could change something? for one thing, i'd start with the school system. while i do believe in separation of church and state, this is what i propose:

in middle and high school, in addition to the usual classes, each student would take a "world religions" course. this course would discuss every major religion from catholicism to judaism to islam to even atheism and paganism. this would enlighten students and help combat ignorance.

in high school, perhaps only the first two years should be devoted to gen-eds. by the time of junior year, the kids should start courses pertaining to what career he or she has chosen. that way, in college, chem majors would not have to take Elizabethian Lit. unless the WANT to, and so on. in the current system, i feel i, someone who knows what she wants to do, am being punished for those who have la di da'd their way through the school system thus far.

II. when i was a child, i had this theory: what if our dreams at night are REALITY, and our awakeness is actually non-existent. we are so special and can do anything in our dreams. perhaps mundane waking life is our nightmare. whatever the case is, i do believe the realm of dreams and nightmares is as real as the here and now.