Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Quakeland Francesca Lia Block

"Are you willing to cancel the contract that says you are only a woman if a man perceives you as desirable?
Are you willing to cancel the contract that says you are not entitled to true love?
Are you willing to cancel the contract that says you will always be the second choice?
Are you willing to cancel the contract that says you are a victim?
Are you willing to cancel the contract that says you are doomed to never consummate your truest passion?
Are you willing to cancel the contract that says in order to be loved you must be weak?
Are you willing to cancel the contract that says you must suffer for love?
Are you willing to cancel the contract that says that you're well-being must be determined by the actions of others?
Are you willing to cancel the contract that says your soul children must come to you in only one way, or you will not receive them?
Are you willing to cancel the contract that says if your loved ones are taken from you, you, too, must leave this place?"
-Kali, page 137, Quakeland
Francesca Lia Block