Sunday, April 18, 2010

lululemon yoga

this morning i went to lululemon at roosevelt field mall for yoga with my friend natalie. this was our second time going together [she's went without me a few times] and each time, its a new instructor. the instructors are invited to come do a class as a promotion for themselves and the store, and so the classes are free. it was so invigorating and relaxing at the same time. downward dog, the warrior poses, deep breathing; it was all so magnificent. i've been needing a huge "wind down" from these past few weeks of running back and forth between school and work, with little to no time for myself. even though i'm grateful to have a job and to be honored with these poetry ceremonies, i sincerely just needed a minute to breathe.

the instructor was so sweet and sassy. she brought her whole usual class with her, so it was a little crowded but we made due. she encouraged us to let loose and wiggle to the music as we posed. i definitely worked up a sweat. i hope i can go back soon. i'd have to leave my house around 8 to get there but it was totally worth it. sadly, i can't go with natalie for now, because she's going back to disney in a few days! she works there, isn't that so cool? oddly, everywhere we went in the mall we saw mickeys. a mickey sticker, the back to a disney pin, etc. it was whimsical.

well, now i'm going to drink my green tea and look at the new books i got with my winnings :)
a new marilyn book and a book about dreaming.


Elim said...

Hello, I am from the Online Community team at the lululemon athletica Guest Education Centre. Just read your post and loved that you were able to go with your friend and that you guys enjoyed it so much. We love sharing the gift of yoga =)

All the best,

GEC/Online Community
lululemon athletica
toll free 1.877.263.9300

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