Monday, April 26, 2010

i'll be there for you.

i've been so exhausted from school and work. welcome to the real world again, erin! running back and forth has definitely taken a toll on me, but so far the only thing i'm really falling behind in is math [which is terrible. but  things could definitely be much worse!]. otherwise, i'm just falling behind in my usual reading habits but that's ok.

school today was interesting... author and poet Ali Kazaan came to our campus and gave a reading [which i missed] and then a workshop, which my poetry class went to together. he was a very nice man with a lot of good advice to offer. he talked about writers block, ideas, how to approach stories. he never made it seem like his way was the RIGHT way, just one way. i definitely think i will add a book or two of his to my goodreads list. i'm already about to add books on Sufism, but that's a whole different story :)

after the reading, i went to my english class and took my test. we had to read about 15 quotes, identify titles and authors, and then choose 4 to write "mini" essays on, 2 paragraphs each. i don't enjoy the teacher of the course, but i do enjoy reading things in there that i wouldn't necessarily gravitate towards outside of school. some of it, i've already read for other classes, some i've heard of, and some is completely new. just the way i like it.

then i went to mandees with val and andrew. i love hanging out with val again... it's like a new friendship based on solid foundation. and andrew is just wonderful. it's nice to have people i can count on.

to be honest this is only the surface of what's going on in my head today. i have some better posts planned but i'm way too exhausted mentally to scratch the surface. i love you all, my friends and my few followers. <3