Friday, September 3, 2010

400th post

it's september, and school just started and as much as i wanted- needed- the semester to start, i feel like it crept up on me and slapped me across the face. it's still hot as hell outside and i honestly can't wait for the fall weather to sneak in and cool me down. 

the past few day's i've been running around so much between work and school that i've barely even thought about things i could write, let alone blogged/wrote in a journal/ added to my story. this is something i hope to remedy when i get a groove going.

i'm one of those people who gets excited by new clothes and pencils, new school supplies and the jitters of another school year starting. but i spent an arm and a leg on textbooks, and i haven't gotten a decent night's sleep in months. i probably won't for another few months. but that's the way of a 20 year old. always moving, always running from work to school and out with friends, and in my case home to watch my brothers and help out the family even when i don't really feel like it. 

there's a lot of homework coming up.
and concerts.
and taking notes.
2 years ago this day i was feeling the sensation that something just wasn't right.
today i know that i can make it all right.