Monday, September 21, 2009


first up, let me just say that fall is upon us as of today-my favorite season- and i am hoping it starts to cool of very soon. not like 50 degrees for two days and then 80 degrees for three. i want a few solid weeks of mid 60's.

Now for the point of this post. You know what sucks? We've all been here before. you try your hardest to get someone to like you (either platonically or romantically) and no matter what you do they're just not interested. You're sexy, but apparently not sexy enough. Smart, but not enough. Sweet, charitable, a good conversationalist, YOU HAVE AMAZING QUALITIES BUT YOU ARE NOT AMAZING ENOUGH.

theres always that one coworker, acquaintance, guy/girl, parent, cousin, PERSON that you are just not good enough for. and it fucking stinks to realize they are just NOT THAT INTO YOU. what a drag =\