Thursday, June 11, 2009


when i am all growed up :) enough to have a house of my own, i can already imagine what i will do with my free time...

fridays: i will spend my friday afternoons after work cooking foods for myself and my beloved to much on throughout the next week, so i dont have to cook every day. i'll make soups and pastas and italian desserts- NO canolis!- and whatever tickles our fancies and tantalizes our tastebuds. yumm. we'll spend the night eating takeout watching movies and shows like lost and weeds on dvd until we retire to bed, which you dont need to hear about.

saturdays: i will wake up bright and early to straighten a little, and read blog updates. i will spend a few hours writing, and then make my way into town to the used book stores and thrift shops, shopping guiltlessly and keeping a full wallet. saturday nights i will have friends over for drinks and games like scrabble and cards, bc i am a dork and so are my friends!

sundays: i am going to sleep in on sundays with my boo and roll out of bed and make yummy vegetarian pancakes and fake sausage and eggies and spend the day in bed reading and writing and ... you know.

the rest of the days i will be hard at work, both at wherever i work and on my book(s). thursday is book club and tuesdays i volunteer :)