Friday, July 9, 2010

a letter to glamour magazine that i'm not sending because i'm just pmsing and i don't want them to hate me

Dear Glamour Magazine,

            Several weeks ago, I re-subscribed to your magazine. I chose the “bill me later option.” [by the way, might I add, that the pop-ups on your website, and the fact that many links eventually lead on to a page where consumers are begged to subscribe, are truly annoying, and that is how I ended up re-subscribing in the first place.] A few weeks later, I received a notice in the mail saying that apparently, you had sent multiple bills and I had refused to pay. Well, I do believe that you sent a bill before that, but I did not receive it. When I had finally received notice in the mail, I logged onto my computer and paid it. This was July first, 2010. Perhaps everything moved more slowly because of the holiday weekend, but today, July 9th, I received YET ANOTHER notice telling me to pay. I HAVE PAYED YOU. this has been very annoying, and very discouraging, and if this is the way you torture people, I’m not sure how you have very many subscribers at all. Sadly, all of the best, underrated magazines have floundered and flopped while yours manages to stay afloat.  At this point, all 12 issues of this magazine better be the best 12 issues I’ve ever read in my life, because I really don’t even want it anymore.


chelsea rebecca said...

hahah this happens to me all the time.. i want to write a really angry letter and have it all planned out but never send it.. but if they really are billing you all these times you should send the letter!!!