Saturday, August 8, 2009

fuck bitches get money

i was never one for holding my tongue. i've always just blurted shit out, and it's gotten me into trouble in the past. then, a few years ago, i realized that theres a time to be quiet (rarely hehe). but i'm getting fed the fuck up with a certain situation. ok lets call them person a and person b.

A is my close friend since middle school. i love her i really do. b is just some fake ass bitch. i was friends with A, and B, separately when they started hanging out together on their own. suddenly person b decided she didnt like me anymore. then she started flirting with my boyfriend while they were at work together. oh fuck that. i didnt care that another girl was talking to him. i DID care that this girl was the same who had randomly stopped talking to me. oh hell no. so i call this bitch up on the phone and scream in her ear that 1)how dare she abandon me and then flirt with my boyfriend and 2)how dare she buddy up to personA, when, to be honest, she fucking hated person A a few weeks ago. her response? basically that person A was desperate and needy and made it so that person B never had to put any work into the friendship. flash forward a year or so and both "persons" are still best friends. idk what to do. its driving me crazy that person a is so naive. but she knows i dont really care for person b, and i dont want her to think i am jealous. because i really value person a's friendship and i dont want to make them feel bad about themselves. what do i dooo?