Wednesday, July 21, 2010

on age and respect

When most people get to know me truly, they view me as an old soul, wise beyond my years. but when it comes to looks [i guess] and the sound of my voice, no body takes me seriously. to me, i look just how i should. i have an adult body, although i am only 5'3". i speak with intellect, yet apparently i sound like someone 5 or more years my junior [i'm 20, 21 in february...]. ever since i hit my teens, "adults" [as in parents, my parents friends, etc] have assumed that i am much younger than i am.

take this for example: i have a 14 year old sister. when i was getting ready to go to college [ i was 18 and she was 12], and was shopping at linens and things with my parents and younger brothers, my sister stayed home. so when my mom ran into her friend at the store, her friend leans down to me as if i'm 4 years old [lady, you werent that tall yourself] and said, "oh, its soooo sweet of you to be shopping for your older sister while she is at work!!! thats so great. are you sad she's going away?"  excuse me? I was the one going away, i was the college student. and she thought i was my younger sister? since when does hight mean anything? does anyone look at an old woman and her teenage grandson and surmise that he must be older because he is 6'2" and she has shrunk to 4'9"? i doubt that.

recently, i went into spencer's gifts with my boyfriend, and they asked me to leave because "we only allow patrons 18+ here." she did not ask how old i was, she did not ask to see id. she simply assumed that i was under 18, and basically kicked me out. i should have fought back, but i was so taken aback that i mumbled something and left.

my mom and her friends try to pull shit and say "oh well most women MY age would LOVE to be thought of as younger..." etc.
well i am not THEIR age. i am 20, and i'm at a point in my life where i want to be taken seriously. i have serious ambition, and a serious mind/heart. i cannot stand that people judge me as if i were years younger than i am. please, look at me as a human being, and if you are unsure about my [or anybody's age] please ask them politely or refrain from all comments about age. it's really frustrating. maybe when i am 40 i will long for people to tell me i look like i'm 25. but for now, i just want you to respect me. it's all i'm asking.