Sunday, July 25, 2010

living simple makes loving simple

True Words on Mississippi St.

i found this on my favorite blog. >>by the way sam, loving the new purple layout :)

below this picture, samantha asked what this picture means to her readers. i usually would comment, or not say anything at all and just think about it, but it's sunday morning, i'm in a thoughtful mood, and want to get started on some writing. to me, being happy came about after a LOT of hard work. but when it finally happened, i realized i was happy because i didn't define who i was based on what i own. i didn't base it on keeping up with the joneses. instead, i based it on what my soul needs. my soul needs books. my soul needs a notebook and a pen. my soul needs to know that if i wanted to, i could move to paris tomorrow and leave most of my belongings behind here at home. i used to think that i'd have to mail every last item overseas. but then i realized. this is all just "stuff." it may mean something to me, but at the end of the day, most of it is not benefitting my heart or my soul. it's just stuff, and i can acquire new stuff anywhere i go. 
and this led me to see that:
in my love life, i became much happier when i realized that i was comparing my relationship to others- "yeah, he hits her, but he buys her flowers regularly..." "they may be fighting every time they do so, but they call each other every night." i was comparing my relationship to every other relationship i had ever known in my life. i wasn't seeing that what we have is already wonderful, and that my being depressed was really taking a toll on everything. once i learned to live simpler and happier, i learned to love as thus. 
when you are someone that focuses so much on material items, you are not simple. but simple isn't stupid. simple is knowing what you want, knowing what you love, and honoring yourself. 

i shudder to think where i'd be today if i never evaluated my life and myself. this picture made me smile. thanks sam.