Thursday, July 15, 2010

Margot and the Nuclear So-and-So's

are amazing.

i've listened to "the dust of reatreat" and "not animal". i know i should have listened to "animal" first but i couldnt get a hold on that until this morning. i really love their sound, i am not usually into male singers but i love the singer's voice. the lyrics are superb, the music is psychedelic and relaxing at the same time. it makes me want to lay in a grass field at sunset in a dress holding hands with a hipster boy.

in other music news, a true/slant writer claims that janelle monae is more talented than lady gaga. i do not listen to JM nor do i know much about her, but i do know that i made the unfortunate mistake of going to the no doubt/paramore 2009 concert a little too early and caught her as the opening act. she came on stage in a strange outfit, proclaimed she was an alien, and screeched into the mic in an earsplitting matter. perhaps this writer has heard her music videos/recordings but not seen her live? all i can say is, the wonderful and strange thing about humans is that we all have different tastes. in music, in movies, in foods, in drinks, in clothing, in EVERYTHING. so for every gaga lover like me, there are many gaga haters. and for every person that shops at american apparel, there are 5 that shop exclusively at hollister. some prefer vanilla, some chocolate, and some dont like either. so i dont think that we can "prove" one artist is better than another, it is all opinion.

have a musical day! and check out M&TNSAS


Linnea said...

They're one of my favorite bands! :)