Wednesday, July 15, 2009

spoiler alert!

oh. my. god. i am running on less than 3 hours of sleep in upwards of 27 hours. it's quite lovely, but quite worth it seeing as i LOVED LOVED LOVED Harry Potter and the hALF-Blood Prince. it did not disappoint me in the slightest. in my opinion, it was the best film yet, and seeing as the seventh book sucked, it will be the best of all. "The cinematography was amazing" <--beene. (i wont take credit for my beene's statement, but i wholeheartedly agree.!) it had romance, more comic relief than usual, and even a seriously scary moment where i squealed a little. those dead bodies were icky! and so so sad when Dumbledore died. no matter how many times i have read it, i was not prepared to see this scene in action. all in all, i was extremely pleased. my one big complaint is that they didnt show the pensieve scene where Dumbledore takes Harry to see Tom Riddle's family. it really adds dimension to voldemort and shows that there is a reason for him to be the way he is. he doesnt understand love, and that is why he seeks to destroy it. his mother died, his father left because he found out he was under enchantment, his uncle was insane, and his grandfather was an asshole.

my two little complaints are that severus and malfoy needed a bit more character development.