Friday, May 15, 2009


its not my fault

if i'm sick
i cant help it
that you don't understand
what it's like
to be in this moment
the same way that i do
i can't for the life of me
see what is so appealing
about being you
yet i want to be you so bad.
i want to be careless
and bitchy
and happy and i want to
laugh at my friends
when they fall down drunk
i want to be drunk
and happy about it
not sober and
i missed out
i know that
on a new experience
and don't think
i don't wake up
in a cold sweat
from the nightmares
and the dreams
that i was given
a second chance
one more moment
to shine and
i grasp it
like a star
or a phallic symbol
hoping it will
make it all worth it