Friday, May 15, 2009

frustrating people

frustrating people always find their way in to my life. the thing about frustrating people is at first they always seem so cool and unfrustrating. then they do like one or two frustrating things, but you still like them because they continue to seem like cool or your best friend until you love them and then they show you just how fucking frustrating they are. now its too late and you have this extra ball of rage inside you.

frustrating people come in lots of varieties. this is the number one type i always let into my life unwittingly. these people seem so fuckin awesome until i find out they are obsessed with drugs. 1- unattractive, 2-not very smart, 3-unreliable, 4- enraging.. this is how i feel about these people once i find out they do drugs. i consider weed and dip to be a drug so dont fucking think youre not one of these people.

the next type is the people who make you cry or hurt you when you're trying to sleep or are about to relax/sleep. these people think that 1 am is the perfect time to start a "conversation" that always escalates into a fight. they always cant understand why there is now a fight, and they blame it on you...

which leads me to THIS type: assholes who think its always your fault. they ignore you? its your fault bc you didnt say anything sooner? um.. im pretty sure ignoring is the fault of the ignorer. meaning if you havent asked me to hang out in like 3 months and im the only one whos doing the asking... then i finally give up... you blame me for giving up and think im the one whos being the ignorer! omg people please.

there are so many more types of frustrating people. the person who only calls you when they need a favor. the person who asks for advice, you give him/her the best advice ever and they ignore you in favor of the advice some dipshit retard gave them on aim.

id make a shitlist but i think it would be much shorter if i made a list of people who ARENT on my shitlist.