Tuesday, December 8, 2009

today was a day just like any other

i just saw a video over at the f-bomb. if you have a second, please go watch it. it's awesome. i think it's a really positive message and i think it's interesting that the speaker is a male. in other news i'm currently watching the first season of 30 rock (pretty good so far.. only say 1.5 episodes), the complete 3rd season of scrubs (loving it. jd and elliot get married already... a girl can dream. if i can't marry sarah chalke myself, someone else should get to do it.) and i got a dvd today from the library called "Murder Never Skips a Beat" about murder, beat poetry, and William S. Burroughs. didn't watch it yet but i should soon because the library needs dvds back in 2 days. what the fuck. we all know my stance on this.

i also downloaded the new alicia keys cd. i havent listened to the whole thing but i am actually liking it a lot. i've never been into her before but i do realize she has talent and ability whether i like her or not. i'd rather give things a million chances than miss out. depending on what "things" are of course. but all music deserves a chance. i got a dave matthews cd from the library, which i am promptly loading onto the ipod. ALSO i had to get a big fat pile of books about Wicca for my paper due monday. i hope the desk clerk loved it.

currently i am frustrated for a few reasons:
my paper is going to be extremely shitty. no, seriously. im not being modest, its going to be S-H-I-T-T-Y.
greg lent me scrubs but it doesnt work on my mac.
my boyfriend spent about 20 mins making me feel bad about watching scrubs without him to prove a point.
its 430 and im tired of keeping myself busy and just want it to be 7.
i DONT want to go to school tomorrow.
i wish i could get dr cox to yell at my teacher.

otherwise today wasnt awful besides working on the paper. i'm going to try to watch my movie now.