Sunday, March 6, 2011

it's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring....
except he's not. my aunt and her son and her dog are here, and it seems as if my family is now 20 people in one house and i don't like it. i like quiet, i like peace. i like being alone and not feeling lonely. i wish i had my own home where i could thrive. i want to grow flowers on the windowsill and stack my books by color. there would be a cabinet in the kitchen devoted to tea and honey. my fridge would be full of fruits and veggies and water.
i'd light candles on days like this- rainy sundays because when i have my own home, i'll hopefully soon after have a job where i'm off on weekends. and i'll wake up early and clean the house and wash my clothes and bedding, and shower, just so i can get into a clean bed with my clean body and clean pj's and read a book or two. i'd paint my bedroom red, and the living room cerulean. the kitchen would be tiffany blue, and the dining area would be purple. i don't even have to close my eyes and i just see my sanctuary in front of me so close i could touch it if i could just reach a litttttle farther.

what;s your safe space like?