Wednesday, October 20, 2010

all the pieces, the pieces, the pieces of me

krystal? carbo? athena? throwing names out there...

dear secret friend

i sit here listening to train. i [so far] made 7 playlists of artists/bands i like/want to check out because i always get music at the library and then forget to listen to it. so this way its all consolidated and i just listen to the playlists and get my daily dose of music.

i went to levittown library today and -biggest gasp of all- somebody was willing to help me. i was floored. and then the nice guy at the circulation desk was... nice. so SOME people at the library are nice. mostly, not so much.

i've been home for less than 2 hours and i've made one brother cry, made up with him, helped the other write a halloween poem using his spelling words (they are in 3rd and 4th grade, respectively) and helped my grandma make plans with my dad. not to mention did laundry. i had a long day, it was my first day back at school since last thursday (i dont have school friday, sat, sun and monday/tuesday i was sick). it was long and i didn't eat from 930 am until 530 pm. i usually don't do that... it's not good to not eat all day... so needless to say i need some rest; but homework calls.

2 3 things to say:
- i got 3 awesome-seeming books at the library:
Fragments, which is the newest marilyn monroe book... but THIS one is made up of things SHE wrote. so it's her perspective, her story. not some old guy who researched.
Richard Yates by Tao Lin. i've heard a lot about this author, he's supposedly very experimental and it seems like it might be fun to read a book of his.
and last but not least, a novella: walks with men by ann beattie

-i daydreamed all day about whether or not i should re read all of the lois duncan books i devoured in middle school and write my thoughts about them one here... maybe.

-i think its okay if somebody decided not to wear purple today. thats your business. i personally wore a purple shirt with the words "fuck you very much" written across my chest [lily allen, anyone?]
but what i DO NOT appreciate is someone tweeting how they would never ever wear purple, and that they hate f--s, etc. i know i can't change people, i know that everyone has free speech. but its very insensitive. how does this person know that he/she has no closeted followers? so inconsiderate.
this is why people are afraid to come out in the first place. some people might think i am a lesbian from how much i write about gay rights, but thats ok. even though i'm not gay, i don't consider it an insult and therefore i wouldn't be upset that someone may think that about me.


Anonymous said...

No, no, and no.

Do you babysit your two little brothers often? I have one little brother that I take care of constantly so I can only imagine the stress that comes with having 2 of them, how do you destress from balancing school, work, home, and maintaining a social life?
I just quit smoking, and I need to find other ways to destress myself other than knitting.
I didn't wear purple on Wednesday, I didn't know what was going on though. I still feel bad about not doing it. =(