Tuesday, April 13, 2010

i come bearing news.

a few weeks ago, i entered a poetry contest at my school, and guess what?

i don't know how many people entered but it's assumed there was a considerable amount. i know a lot of people who entered. also, one of my best friends Arianna WON FIRST PRIZE!! which she totally deserves because she is a wonderful poet :)

as winners, we get:

  • published in the school literary magazine
  • a certificate
  • and last but not least, a gift certificate to BARNES AND NOBLE

this is so wonderful, i can go book shopping! we're not sure how much we're getting yet. i also get to read my poem to an audience on thursday at 11:30, and tuesday [this is separate from the contest] i was invited to read at a faculty poetry reading! i feel so honored. it makes me feel thismuchcloser to being a "writer". i am a writer. it's what i do.

these past few weeks have been hectic. i started my new job, which is going very well. i've been working hard at school as usual [i have the rest of this semester and then one more year before i ge out of here!] and i have the usual responsibilities of watching my brothers, voluntarily babysitting for other families [trying to increase my bank account], talks of the future, etc. everything has been falling into place :)

i really want to thank all of the good people in my life for loving me at my worst as well as at my best. what would i do without you all? i'd also like to thank blueberry tea, all the blogs i look to for inspiration and support, and the commenters, too. i gotta go, tonight i plan on doing some homework, working on my chapbook [its my final for poetry], and reading some more of "Charmed Thirds" by Megan McCafferty, so i can start CHELSEA, CHELSEA, BANG, BANG.

goodnight :)