Monday, March 1, 2010

just a day, just an ordinary day...

last night i dreamt about dream catchers. i've been writing about them so much, it was inevitable. no nightmares have plagued me this past week, knock in wood. i find it ironic that as soon as i decide to put these nightmares to use, they vanish. but i'm sure they won't be gone for long. my intuition tells me as much.

i dream about animals. i dream in vivid pictures, all in color. i dream about spirits coming to visit me. i dream about lions on subways and being lost in parking lots. i dream about being in love, kissing, holding someone's hand, being myself. i wish i had a record of every dream i've ever had.

today i got my sticker from nassau so i can see LIGHTS in concert, i went to poetry class, and then my teacher and adam ruined everything. our teacher is absolutely brain dead. she is a poetry teacher who doesnt understand abstract. adam is just... unbelievable. poor alessia, one of maybe 3 [above average] intelligent people in the class, writes wonderful poetry. and then our teacher, adam, and the class, shit on it one by one. they do it to me too, but not as badly. the whole point of our workshop is to ENCOURAGE people and criticize CONSTRUCTIVELY. not to tear people down. so fuck you, poetry teacher, and fuck you adam.

other than that, it was a nice day. semi-okay pizza, nice music, sun, and a long drive around town. but now i have a headache. time to lay down and maybe write some poetry. bon soir!!